lama sekali ya ga update blog. as always, there's so many things to share kalo udah lama ga buka blog gini. like the tittle, yes there are so many changes that happening on my life. in my friends life, in my family lifes and ofcourse my love lifes with my beloved boyfriend..
skrg udah kuliah, ga sma lg. itu perubahan pertama. kedua, tmn2 dan circle friends saya semakin luas semenjak kuliah. ketiga, about family, yes we are no longer living under preasure of financial hahahah sounds weird. and......about my love lifes, hmmm what should i share about my love life? sebenernya sih pgn share banyak tapi ga tau gmn mulainya...
beebrapa hari yang lalu baru nganter pacar ke stasiun. it feel so hurt when i know that illl be far apart AGAIN from him. ya emang ga kyk jkt-aussie sih, but still udah ga pgn jauh2 lg sama dia. really, i didnt want far a part from him, but the situatuon force me..
aku ngerasa aku banyak berubah semenjak masuk kuliah. maybe im just too busy with my own activities, with my new world. i really really sorry buat orang yg ngerasa aku berubah. terutama mama. im sorry i become more rude or whatever it is.and someone who really knows me well, im so sorry about this,love..
PLEASE! i want to be the old me with now conditions. can i do that? please please i don't wanna hurt more people feeling. i dont want to hurt his feeling :'(
om so sorry, don't know what to do. aduh. galau. amat sangat galau..
all i can do is saying sorry..
its really bad. bad feeling. my fault, my bad. and i have to fix it. but how?